TeachedUp Comics: So Long, Year Two

From Collection 6 - Year Two, "Summer Help and Some Aren't"

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Two teachers talk about coping with a new school year starting up again

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Teachers, I get it: you're going through the Braxton-Hicks Contractions of a new school year. Labor Day weekend is upon us, and you're heading back to the classroom. No matter if you spent the whole summer preparing - or relaxing, your emotions are going to be all over the place. You likely have already had the back-to-school dreams (you know the ones), and you may even have already been in your classroom preparing (if not, the next day or two on-contract are gonna be a whirlwind, that's for sure).

If you don't have a classroom but instead work from a bag, pull-behind, or cart - well, you're going to get your steps in this year! Look at the bright side: you have easy access to the restrooms throughout the day on your rush from Point 'A' to Point 'B' - unlike your classroom-bound counterparts.

If I can impart one piece of encouragement to bolster you, it would be that the students are counting on you. In reality, all of society is counting on you, but if I say that it'll either cause delusions of grandeur on your part (certainly not mine - were you thinking that??) or it will cause you to go into hysterics and experience heart palpitations.

Are you looking forward to the new school year beginning? Did it already start for you? Update us in the TeachedUp Comics Fan Club!