TeachedUp Comics: Support Systems

From Collection 6 - Year Two, "Summer Help and Some Aren't"

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Bob Tullman gets Mr. Culpepper thinking about student resilience, motivation, and support systems

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Maybe you struggled when you were a student - whether the pace of learning demands, socioeconomically, relationally, or in some other domain. Or maybe you didn't. If you did, you might be able to empathize better with students who are also struggling. Just be careful not to assume you "get it" just because you have your own story. And if you didn't, don't assume your students have everything they need to be successful and resilient.

Have you ever thought about this: that you might be one of the only adults in a student's life who is being supportive of them? Teachers have a crucial role to play in society, and here's a hint: it's not to "transmit knowledge" as much as it is to help youth see their potential and give them the tools and support they need to achieve that potential.

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