TeachedUp Comics: By Everything Holy

From Collection 6 - Year Two, "Summer Help and Some Aren't"

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science teacher swears on a bag of ungraded papers that next year will go better

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Much of the TeachedUp Comics series has been sattire, sarcasm, and other S-words I won't type out, here. I don't want you to think Pepp is all negative thinking, though. He actually is like so many teachers: hopeful that he can make a difference in the lives of his students and have a positive impact on his community and workplace culture.

Since TeachedUp began, though, we found a young educator in crisis. His relationship with his main boss (Principal Greene) stank, he was having trouble with classroom management, and the grass was brown no matter which side of the fence he looked at. But as with any story (career? life?), there's a lot yet to tell. Pepp is experiencing the ups and downs of teaching. We still have a lot left to celebrate. New characters to meet. New challenges to face. He won't live out everything all in one "Collection."

In this instance Mr. Anthony Culpepper, Science Teacher, has started to broaden his perspective on teaching by beginning a Master's Degree program. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but it's not all barbed wire fences and pea soup, either. (I had accidentally typed "pee soup," and I'm not too sure if the reference wouldn't be even more apropo, but I corrected it nonetheless). We all need little nudges in the right direction - something or someone to keep us from hanging out in that negative space for too long.

What has helped you improve your teaching (or work, in general) perspectives? What makes you optimistic about the future and determined to make things better the next go'round? Share your experiences at the TeachedUp Comics Fan Club!