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Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
It's still #Monday, right?
I don't know what to say for this one. Okay yes I do, but I don't want to admit it.
Sure, _fine_, since you forced it out of me.
There was a time in my #K12 #teaching career when I would pull out "Magazine Mondays." Legit, I had #students go through science magazines and write summaries, or answer questions I had pulled together on articles, etc. I don't think I ever got quite as creative as Mr. Culpepper (maybe once or twice).
This activity _did_ have value - and it was great on fog-delay days - but I feel in retrospect it was a bit of a cop-out.
There, I said it.
Sometimes teachers develop survival strategies to just _get through_. This was one of those for me. I didn't _overuse it_, but I do feel like I could have been more #creative in moments like these.
I have a few of my past students on here who may remember these - hopefully with a better perspective than I'm giving them :0P'
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