I said quite a bit when I first published it, so what're you waiting around for? Read what's below!
Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
That's IT. This is my last #TeachedUpComics edition...
...for the month! Can you believe it - a solid month of daily #webcomics - DONE! I started these over the holidays, and they aren't stopping. _Io prometto!_
What's this one about? This is actually a snippet from my own journey. I was asked this question at the job interview that launched my #K12 #teaching career, and this is the exact answer I gave. My plan was always to become a master teacher at the high school level and to then take my skills to the college or university level. And I did it, well within that timeframe. This is the power of #goalsetting. There were a LOT of supporting steps along the way (we can dive into those some other day).
It is so important to teach our pre-service teachers to visualize their career path - allowing it to adjust as they grow and take on new skills and new realizations, but never giving up the end-node / anchor (or better, "check-point") unless there's a better one that wasn't understood at the get-go. Having a growth mindset and realizing that life isn't about obtaining your goals immediately or ever "arriving" is so important for happiness.
We will talk more about the effect of unmet expectations, career trajectories, and related topics in future editions.
In the end, everyone's career path is allowed to look different. It truly IS about the Journey. And it does NOT need to look "Traditional" (that's just easier for people - particularly those making decisions - to manage, but you go ahead and be unique and rebel a bit!)