TeachedUp Comics: Enter Ms. Ahtram

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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Ms. Ahtram the Art Teacher introduces us to the law of the conservation of glitter

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It's time to meet someone who puts the "A" in STEAM.

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
#Physicists have yet to describe the conservation law I'm going to reveal in today's #TeachedUpComics edition.

I'm so excited to introduce to you the bubbly, caring, and artsy character known as "Ms. Ahtram" (still figuring out her first name - any suggestions?) Ms. Ahtram is the ART teacher. Therefore, she has experimented in #k12schools with things unspoken in typical #scienceeducation circles.

I don't know yet how often Ms. Ahtram will feature, but at the least she's here today to give Mr. Culpepper a mini heart attack - and his #students a little humor.

When I first began teaching, one of my closest teacher friends (who served as a bit of an unofficial "slightly older" mentor) was the Art Teacher. He was a cool cat, and the students loved him. My advice to new teachers is to always surround yourself with positive role models. And you know what? Veteran teachers should BE those role models, and surround themselves with a much [non-toxic] positivity as they can.

That and a daily dose of TeachedUp Comics and you'll be good to go. *wink*