TeachedUp Comics: Sunday Drivers

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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Pepp gets made fun of at the gas pump by the attendant and a farmer

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Sometimes I dunno where I get these ideas. But I figure if the comic still makes me chuckle after I've read it 50 times, it's a keeper.

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
Here's to all you #Sunday hashtag#earlyriser-s out there. Yes, the gas attendants _are_ judging you.

If this is your first time following Mr. Culpepper here (he's the one pumping the gas - don't ask me why he doesn't have an EV...it's complicated -- actually it's not, he's on a #teachers salary and he bought this van for $600 - ask me about that van someday - my #students had a special name for it)...

...as I was saying, if this is your first time following #TeachedUpComics, that fellow there pumping gas is a first-year teacher. He's of course in the habit of waking up early (despite what you saw in yesterday's #comicstrip where he's trying to sleep at 7am on a Saturday morning - emphasis on "trying"), and so it's just natural that he'd be out and about when typically it's only farmers and truck-drivers out on the road - oh yes and we early-risers that get talked about as gas stations. ;0)
Yeah, that's right. Remember that feeling you had at the gas pump, like someone's talkin' about you? :0P'