TeachedUp Comics: Weekend Warrior

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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a student prankster is in on a weekend preparing tricks for the upcoming school week

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It's not just teachers who are industriously using their weekends to influence the classroom experience.

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
To all you #weekendwarriors out there: watch your six.

Some back-context for today's #TeachedUpComics: When I was a new teacher, I was unmarried and unattached. That meant I had plenty of time to devote to #curriculumdesign and pretty much pour myself into my job. I was like an entrepreneur without the income potential.

Back then, #k12schools in my state (Delaware) hadn't adopted the timed key-card access that we now have. Nope, I had a KEY - and it worked 24/7 (except in the winter, when your hands were growing icicles and the oil was seizing up). Yes, it was the legendary MASTER Key - dadada, dadada, dadada, da Da DA dUUUuuuUuuN! (Zelda Universe folks will get it, eh, Lars-Christian Simonsen and Jess Rappaport?)

Anyway, it wasn't unusual to find folks from the #Math and #Science departments popping in on the weekends. Check on the fish, feed the anemone, grade the papers, setup for a Monday lab... things like that.

There was this one particular math teacher who was _awesome_. He always sported this pony-tail, and the kids loved it (they just let you know that in their own way - lots of kids love (and need to see and experience) quirky teachers just as much as they need the stable, more subdued ones - so if you're a quirky pre-service teacher and you're thinking you need to tone it down..you really don't - in fact..please PLEASE don't). [Note: it wasn't the ponytail that made this fellow quirky, it was the WHOLE PACKAGE, and we loved him for it].

So he was part of the inspiration for this new character. We don't know her name, her department (probably Math, like my old weekend warrior pal), or anything else about her, yet. What we DO know is that she's in the school on a Sunday evening doing her thang: prepping for the school week ahead!
And to all the Billy's in the world: touché, touché...