TeachedUp Comics: Enter Ned Haize

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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school janitor apparently has an ammonia induced hallucination

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Who doesn't like a new character? It's not in my personality to keep myself from meeting new people and learning from them, so it is only fitting that my TeachedUp Comics universe should reflect that.

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
#TeachedUpComics edition number 17 - getting back to the comical side of things. This is also where I get to pull out a little "comic strip magic" which of course the real world is devoid of (without the help of ammonia-based cleansers, that is).

I'm excited to introduce a new character, this morning - Ned Haize. I have many new characters that I'll be introducing this month and next month, but I had to bring Ned onto the scene.

Ned works in #janitorialservices (facilities or maintenance worker). Janitors have actually played a really important role in my life (and they have in YOURS, as well, if you weren't aware of it already).

I remember when I was in #middleschool, one janitor in particular always had a conversation with me at lunch (his name was Rudy / Rudolph, and I loved that man).

As an undergrad in college, I became very close with two of the janitorial staff - they became like unofficial mentors to me. If that sounds weird - to have janitors mentor a #physics student - you don't know facilities management folk. They're truly incredible.

During my first year as a #teacher, like Mr. Culpepper here, I had my own version of "Ned." He was there with me into the late nights (my first year, especially, I stayed until 8, 9, 10:30+ almost every night) while I graded and planned and designed lessons and labs. "Ned" basically became my best friend, and he supported me in ways no one else was. We shared many dinners together during his "lunch", and he influenced me tremendously.

Later on, after I had transitioned into #highereducation, my penchant for fraternizing with #facilitiesmaintenance folks paid off. I made friends with a great many in that field - and they helped me figure things out and got me out of some scrapes as well.

Hats off to our janitorial and #maintenance staff members - surround me with their company ANY day.

Well, I've overused my hashtags on this one, but suffice to say, we will be seeing a lot more of Ned Haize.
As I said above, whereas most of the characters in the TeachedUp Comics series are either original personalities (out of my own psyche, I suppose you'd say) or a conglomeration of personalities / people I've known, "Ned" is very much based on a particular real-life person. Don't underestimate Ned - he's a genius in his own right, has a heart of gold, and is based on one of my top favorite people in the world. As time and geography have distanced us, we've mostly lost contact (something I plan to remedy), but he made a real impact on my life that continues to bear fruit to this day. I'd say that deserves a cameo appearance.