TeachedUp Comics: Bell to Bell

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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principal berates teacher for coming in minutes late

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Generally speaking, Principal Greene is the recognized Antagonist to our Mr. Anthony Culpepper Protagonist. This is not a great thing, but it's how the storyline rolls out. I do have hopes that - as time goes on - the two of them will both learn about each other, how to work together for the good of everyone (not the least of whom being the students), and will walk away from their years together (if they both stick around long enough, right?) as better educators and people.

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
I hope this has never happened to you.

If something similar did happen, what was it, and how did you react? Did it affect your career trajectory (or aspirations)?
"Bell to Bell" teaching is generally a tussle that occurs every couple of years between Union members and district Administration. It is an issue that leaves everyone feeling vastly misunderstood (and is in fact built on ... vast ... misunderstandings). Yes, there's a lot of work to be done. The good thing is, I do know some school leadership is really understanding. But, that's not Pepp's situation, so we'll stick with him through this and see where things go.