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Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
Today I have the very real privilege of celebrating my Wife. It's her birthday, and I hope you will all join me in wishing her many happy returns of the day!
For those who have been following my #TeachedUpComics series, you may have heard me mention how I've wanted to start writing an educator-focused comic since 2007. I did start, but the endeavor never really got off the ground.
I've been reflecting recently on why. I had more time back then (it was just me - my Wife and I hadn't even met yet, let alone the fact that none of #myfoursons had come on the scene) and I had not even started my Master's work. I had the kernel of an idea and all the time in the world (relatively speaking.... I _did_ stay well into the evening hours and was the second teacher in the building every morning those first couple of years). What was I lacking?
My Wife. As a #k12 hashtag#paraeducator, she inspires me to pull from my experience and passion and use it to support educators in a humorous (or, when humor is lacking, at least cartoonish) way. She is a _huge_ part of my motivation and, again, my inspiration. She does not know her worth. Going on 14 years of marriage and 4 sons later, we are more in love now than ever. I hope to be able to live out the rest of my days showing her how beautiful and valuable she truly is.
Unfortunately for her, I'm a nerd, so this love manifested itself in a comic strip this morning.
In this edition of TeachedUp, Ms. Sult is also celebrating her birthday. She is surrounded by a support system - a central component of any successful career within #k12schools.
Who are your supports? Who are your inspirations?
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