TeachedUp Comics: Teacher Cooties

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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Students are deciding how to ask Mr. Culpepper for a favor

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The Drama Club saga continues...

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
Have you ever heard of... teacher cooties?

If you're smart, you'd better watch out - they're coming for you. If you spot a teacher cootie bouncing around, run to someone smarter than you for protection. ...what do you mean you can't find anyone smarter?? That's just wrong. You _deserve_ an itchy brain.

[If you're curious to know what these two are planning to ask Mr. Culpepper, you'll have to wait until Monday's #TeachedUpComics edition - cuz it's Friday yo! Tomorrow we'll get to learn about Pepp's side gig though - curious yet what he's going to do to earn extra cash? You may be surprised].
I already kind of gave away what these two are after (spoilers, gotta love 'em), but in case you didn't pick up on it from the previous episode's entry I'll just leave the rest be until you get there. (Oh, what's that? Yes, you're welcome).