TeachedUp Comics: Nefarious Doings

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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A student is a bit rude to our science teacher protagonist in the hallway

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Most people don't realize it, but I was the Drama Club Faculty Sponsor (Advisor) for a couple of years when my full-time role was solidly in K12. It was a great experience, but it began poorly.

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
I wrote about this situation sometime in the past - but the central word was "nebulous." What followed was pivotal to my career as a #k12 #educator, and I'll roll it out over the next few #TeachedUpComics editions.
See, what happened was, I interrupted two students (one of them mine) in the hallway, to wrangle my student into class that was starting. My student and I had already built a relationship of mutual respect (a necessity and a privilege of teaching), but the other student didn't know me from Adam - and she wasn't too thrilled with a teacher breaking up their discussion. On top of that, she was a bit of an intellectual, and she let me know it.

Long story short... well, I suppose you'll have to look at the later episode that continues this conversation.