TeachedUp Comics: Happy New Year ...

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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tired teacher sleeps through New Years

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Let's face it: the teachers who take the time to enjoy (or at least observe) New Years are either a) not trying hard enough or b)going to regret it! Is it just me, or did "the first day of school back from the Winter Break" always come just a bit too soon?

The one saving grace of Winter Break was that everything had to be graded before the Marking Period (or Quarter) ended. Oh wait, nope... scratch that - 2nd Marking Period didn't end until January, so I still ended up taking things home to grade! Yeahp, and then add on top of that planning for the second half of the year... I think "10 to 14 days off" turned into "3 days of decompression, 3 days of obligatory Family events and excessive eating (and subsequent weight-gain), and several days of grading and planning...with one day of actual relaxation (i.e., checking jobs boards).

Here's what I originally shared on LinkedIn:
Happy New Year!

Since my recently-launched #TeachedUpComics has gotten some nice attention (thank you!), I'll keep going with it. Here's one for my #education peers.

Let me know what you think! Accurate or not?
The one true saving grace of Winter Break was that it was the perfect time to adjust seating charts and Classroom Expectations. Trust me on that one.