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Corny teacher jokes laced with a bit of unpredictability have always been a hallmark of my classroom teaching style. In fact, one year these featured so prominently, my students gave me a 5-corny-joke-a-day maximum (and they kept track, trust me!)
Students talking loudly amongst themselves is also a hallmark of K12 education. Let's be honest, classroom management is typically a public school teacher's primary challenge (behavior management being wrapped up in that package). If you take yourself too seriously.. well, good luck with that. I do know some teachers who ran a tight ship and it worked for them, but for me? Humor has always been my go-to. Each of the students that feature in my TeachedUp Comics episodes either have a direct counterpart in my past or (more often than not) reflect a conglomeration of past student personalities. This absolutely lends authenticity to the scenarios I depict, and it gets really interesting when you put different personalities together (it's just as true in creative works as it is playing out in the classroom). Here's what I originally shared How many of you #educators have _never_ tried to mute a #student before using a remote control?I just have one question for you: "When's lunch?" |