TeachedUp Comics: The Annual Eval

From Collection 1 - Year One, "The Rookie"

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comic strip where principal berates science teacher for poor performance

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This was the very first TeachedUp comic strip episode, wherein we meet both the main character (and protagonist), Mr. Anthony Culpepper, as well as someone who turns out ultimately to be the main antagonist, Principal Greene.

And so, the entire TeachedUp "franchise," if you will, was born on December 28, 2022. A blurb went with it, which I posted on LinkedIn:
Thinking about starting up a hobby comic (I've dabbled in the past) aimed primarily at #k12 #teachers. Give the below "pilot edition" a gander and let me know what you think.

I'm all about simplicity in the graphics (as you can tell) but allowing myself some complexity in the dialogue.

If you like this one, Follow me and let me know with a thumbs-up or comment, and I'll keep them coming. If you don't like it, you can let me know that also ;0)

[Note: my website drlafazia .com is not really active at the moment - I've had mrlafazia .com (and later the "dr" version) since I was a pre-service teacher in the early 00s, but recently I took it down because I'm looking to start fresh. This comic would be a part of that reboot]. Spring 2024 Update: TeachedUp.com is live!
The rest, as they say, is history. Since then, Mr. Culpepper has gone on grand adventures (like getting himself blown to a desert island, running into alternate-reality and future versions of himself, and other ludicrous experiences!) Go ahead, you know you want to binge-read each and every episode.