TeachedUp Comics' Latest Strip!

From Collection 7 - Year Three, "Mastery Learning"

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The latest comic strip!

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The TeachedUp Comics series follows the escapades of science teacher Anthony Culpepper (and his cohort of friends, co-workers, frenemies, and other colorful characters). Tony (or "Pepp", as he's often called), navigates battles of wit, vulnerability, curiosity, and a general sense that he has almost no control over things and is just muddling through. Peppered throughout the episodes are other adventures like engagements with time-travelers, faroff places, alternate realities, and even the most befuddling of conundrums: understanding the opposite sex.

Drawn in a retro-style reminiscent of the Wild West days of the internet - and supported by an author who has "been there," "done that," and will probably be "doin' it tomorrow even though he knows better," if you're into teacher humor or a smidge of humorous science fiction... this is the place for you! With hundreds of comic episodes to peruse and the promise of a spin-off novella series, micro-professional development videos, and who knows what else in the works (fan t-shirts and coffee mugs, anyone?), there's never been a better time to get hooked on a webcomic.